The house is a center of coziness and comfort. It was this idea that gave rise to Edem Cosmetics, which brought together brands that focus on caring for and maintaining hygiene in millions of your living rooms, kitchens and bathrooms. We have the resources and desire to invest our time and opportunities to make your home even more cozy and comfortable.

Відповідність стандартам

Compliance with standards

It is important for us that our products meet quality standards. Our production and business processes are built so that the consumer can fully rely on us as a responsible and reliable company. We strive to be the best on the market, so we meet the needs of our customers as much as possible.

Розвиток і відповідальність

Development and responsibility

We treat each stage of production responsibly: we develop in detail the visual embodiment of the idea, devise the most effective recipes, choose quality raw materials from proven suppliers. We are not afraid of innovations, because by moving in step with modern technologies, we become better for our consumers.

Якість та довіра

Quality and trust

The most important thing for us is your trust. Therefore, we build the most transparent relationship with both our customers and our suppliers, choosing the best of the best. Mutual respect, honesty and strict adherence to quality standards are what we adhere to in our work.

Партнерство та цінності

Partnership and values

Our activities are primarily focused on building strong partnerships with our customers, colleagues and suppliers. We must be the best to help you easily create comfort and cleanliness. Clearly established production processes, strong partnerships and openness to consumers allow us to achieve what we want every day.

Our brands have united the desire to improve your every day
make hygiene and maintaining cleanliness in the house easy and enjoyable.